Take Action: Tibet
Leaders of Tibet groups have developed effective ways for westerners to support Tibet and the Tibetan struggle. Here are a few of the best ongoing campaigns and projects. These campaigns make a difference in the lives of Tibetans inside Tibet and in exile.
Support a nun in exile
Tibetan nuns are at the forefront of the demonstrations for Tibetan independence in Lhasa, and they face brutal torture and reprisals in prison. Once released, they are often banned from returning to their nunneries, and many end up fleeing to India for refuge. In India the nunneries are overcrowded and desperately need funds for books, clothes, and general support.
Sponsorship donations goes toward housing, medical care, education, and food.
Tibetan Nuns Project
815 Seattle Boulevard S. #216
Seattle, WA 98134
Phone: 206-652-8901
Email: info@tnp.org
Build a school
Most children in rural Tibet have no schools. 44% of Tibetans are illiterate in any language, and the majority of Tibetans cannot read and write Tibetan today. Several groups in the US. are making a huge difference for hundreds of children. They are funding building of schools where there were none, expanding others, and providing funds for textbooks and basic health care. For more information and to send donations, contact:
U.S. Tibetan Society for School & Culture
4707 Connecticut Ave., NW, #201
Washington DC 20008 USA
Tel: 202-686-1619
Kawachen Project, Tibet Fund
241 E. 32nd St.
New York, NY 10016 USA
Tel: 212-213-5011
Give a prisoner hope
A Chinese prison official in Lhasa recently said that he had received many letters of concern for Tibetans prisoners. Your letters get through. We know that this has made a tremendous difference improving conditions, preventing or lessening torture, and leading to an early release of some prisoners. Watch for urgent prisoner appeals in Tibetan support group newsletters, and contact Amnesty International to become part of an international China campaign.
Washington Office
304 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20003
Tel: 202-544-0200
Tell Congress What You Think
Congress has done a great deal for Tibet, and they need to hear from their constituents to keep supporting Tibet. Congress funds a Voice of America Tibetan - language broadcast which is now the most popular news source in Tibet; they provide annual assistance for Tibetan refugees in India and Nepal; and they also maintain a policy that Tibet is an occupied nation under foreign rule, and recognize the Dalai Lama as the rightful head of the country. Urge them to continue their support. Letters count! If you don't know your member of Congress, you can call 202-724-3121 or check this Congressional E-Mail Directory to see if your Congress person has e-mail.
For more information, contact:
1825 K St., NW, Suite 520
Washington, DC 20006 USA
Tel: 202-785-1515
Vote With Your Wallet - Boycott Chinese Goods
International Headquarters:
602 E. 14th Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10009 U.S.A.
Phone: 212-358-0071
Fax: 212-358-1771
email: info@studentsforafreetibet.org
Travel Wisely
China is trying to use tourism in Tibet to legitimize its rule there, and to showcase selected monasteries and sites to prove Tibetans are content. Moreover, most tourist dollars, particularly on group tours, go to Chinese pockets, and do little to help impoverished Tibetan communities. If you travel in a group, make sure the company uses Tibetan guides, and patronizes Tibetan businesses. Educate yourself about Tibet before you go.
For more suggestions about how you can make your trip help Tibetans, and for a map and guide of Lhasa which explains what Chinese tour guides will try to hide, contact:
1825 K St., NW, Suite 520
Washington, DC 20006 USA
Tel: 202-785-1515
Show this film / Organize a discussion
This film is a valuable resource to help you spread the word about the recent history and current situation in Tibet. Gather a small group of friends in your home, school, church or temple. Show the film and encourage a discussion using this guide.
Tell your friends how they can help: become a sponsor, write letters to lobby for change, or make a donation to an organization of their choice. Even a few dollars goes a long way.
Organize a benefit film screening
Organize a fundraising benefit by screening of the film Satya at your school, church, community center, or public library. It is easy to do and a great way to raise money and educate others about human rights issues in Tibet.
Here is a step by step guide to organizing a benefit screening:
Benefit Screening Guide
Schedule a speaker
Many experts and activists are eager to speak publicly on these issues. Find a speaker who is well-informed, lively, and leaves the audience feeling empowered. Or organize a panel of speakers discussing different aspects of Tibet: human rights violations, environmental destruction, culture, history, religion, medicine, art, travel, etc. Find a space in your school, church, temple, library or community center. Publicize the event.
Organize a radio show
Contact your local radio station. Talk to a producer and suggest a show on Tibet. Recommend they feature a local activist or a member of the Tibetan community. Lend the producer a copy of the film Satya to stimulate their interest and give them background on the issues.
Share the Resources: Give Money / Raise Money
Join and donate to both national and local organizations. Local support groups are doing important work such as informing local media, putting on events and talking with Congressional representatives. Your dollars go a long way.
Other organizations working on Tibet issues:
Organizations working for Tibet
Help Educate Local Students
Local middle and high schools need to be educated about current issues. Contact your local Tibet support group and identify an appropriate speaker, perhaps someone with a slide show to present or a film to screen. Encourage discussion. Suggest ways the students can get involved, such as fund raising, sponsorships, and letter writing campaigns. These activities help students feel empowered and teach them ways to influence government policy.
Learn More
Learn more about Tibet so you can educate others and take effective action. Following are some of the best resources on Tibet.
Films and Videos
Books and Articles
The Government of Tibet in Exile
International Campaign for Tibet
Tibet Justice Center
International Tibet Independence Movement
Students For A Free Tibet
Tibet Fund
Tibet House Cultural Center
Tibet Online Resource Gathering
Tibetan Nuns Project
Tibetan Womens Association