Take Action: Cambodia
Here are some campaigns and projects that make a difference in the lives of Cambodians.
Share the Resources:
Give Money / Raise Money
Join and donate to both national and local organizations. Local support groups are doing important work such as informing local media, putting on events and talking with Congressional representatives. Your dollars go a long way.
Organizations working for Cambodia
Show this Film
This film can help spread the word about the recent history and current situation in Cambodia. Gather a small group of friends in your home, school, church or temple. Show the film. Discuss ways you can help. Become a sponsor, write letters to lobby for change, or make a donation to an organization of your choice.
Organize a benefit film screening
Organize a benefit screening of the film SAMSARA at your school, church, community center, or public library. It is easy to do and a great way to raise money and educate others about human rights issues in Cambodia.
Click here for a step by step guide to organizing a benefit screening.
Schedule a Speaker
Many activists are eager to speak publicly on these issues. Find a speaker who is well-informed, lively, and leaves the audience feeling empowered. Or organize a panel of speakers discussing different aspects of Cambodia: human rights violations, environmental destruction, culture, history, religion, medicine, art, travel, etc. Find a space in your school, church, temple, library or community center. Publicize the event.
Organize a radio show
Contact your local radio station. Talk to a producer and suggest a show on Cambodia. Recommend they feature a local activist or a member of the Cambodian community. Lend the producer a copy of the film SAMSARA to stimulate their interest and give them background on the issues.
Help Educate Local Students
Local middle and high schools need to be educated about current issues. Contact your local Cambodian support group and identify an appropriate speaker, perhaps someone with a slide show to present or a film to screen. Encourage discussion. Suggest ways that students can get involved, such as fund raising, sponsorships, and letter writing campaigns. These activities help students feel empowered and show them how they can influence government policy.
Learn More
Learn more about Cambodia so you can educate others and take effective action. Following are some of the best resources on Cambodia.
International Campaign To Ban Land Mines
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center
Yale Center For Genocide